3D is everywhere today
Well, I know it’s not original… The 3D World Cup is already available at Auchan… So if Kino thinks it’s a forerunner!
It’s true, except that while we’ve all seen the relief on our way to buy leeks, no one has actually seen it at home (well, not me). And yet techno is nothing new: Hitchcock already used it in “Le Crime était Presque Parfait”. Except that 3D was still rather imperfect and, above all, expensive.
Today, while it’s difficult to produce in 3D for the general public (screens and glasses are not widely available), it’s becoming easy and relatively affordable to produce 3D spots and reveals for events. Equipping a few hundred sales staff or employees with 3D glasses is a guarantee of success when presenting a new product. Recent experience shows that 3D works better on short, high-impact films than on full-length features. Look at the Avatar experience, where everyone is talking more about the Haribo commercial that precedes the film than the film itself.
2D/3D compatibility
What’s more, it’s now easy to produce a 3D film and a 2D version for distribution outside the event. David, our “master in technical advices”, recently tested 3D DVD authoring on a secret music project… and it works!
We’re now testing the effect on CG product packs for reveals.
Tests are also scheduled for next month with the new 3D cameras for the real image.
We promise to keep you posted.
To be continued…