Motion graphic design in crisis?
The sector is obviously suffering, as is the economy as a whole.
One area is holding up well: marketing communications.
While the market for image creation in the service of corporate communication is collapsing, manufacturers and merchants need to communicate the benefits of their products more than ever.
The first targets of this communication: salespeople. Whether in-house or through resellers, they now have :
– quantitative targets that are increasingly difficult to achieve,
– limited training time,
– shorter installation timing windows.
To help them achieve their objectives, Motion Graphic Design must :
– Present the product in an attractive light in a very short space of time, in search of the “Whaouh effect”,
– Simply define product benefits in 3 to 4 points,
– Provide a clear sales pitch.
The job of today’s agencies is to understand these needs and respond to them in the shortest possible time. While creative work must be done in close partnership with the customer, within the agency, ADs and Account Managers must work closely together to move fast and reduce deadlines and costs.
Adapting the creative chain to more direct and effective marketing is the challenge for the end of 2009.